Contributing to the learning of others

One of the tasks we were given at the start of the semester was to “contribute to the leanings of others” through commenting on their weekly blog posts, interacting with people on Twitter, or interacting on the Google community. At first I thought that this was going to be really easy to do but I was wrong.

Image result for i was wrong meme

Throughout the semester I found myself pushing the weekly blog posts and the commenting on others blogs to the bottom of my to do list. It did not get the same attention as other assignments got. That’s not to say that I didn’t do any commenting or interacting with my fellow ecmp classmates on twitter but I didn’t do it as regularly as I would have liked to. The two main ways I contributed to the learning of others was through Twitter and Blog posts.

Over the course of the semester my followers on Twitter has jumped from about 10  (this amount is an estimate) to 68 and I am now following 55 people.
When I first created my Twitter account I did not post anything unless it was specifically for a class. The main use of Twitter was for lurking.

I tried to change that this semester and while I was not 100% successful I did post 117 Tweets Which included links to my latest blog posts (for Ecmp355 and Eccu400) as well as resources that I found to be interesting and useful.

One of the comments I made in response to Shania Sonen’s Twitter post.

Responding to Taylor Harder’s question on Twitter

We were given the opportunity to participate in a mini version of a Twitter Chat that Katia and Alec put together for us. We were introduced to Tweet Deck which made my first Twitter Chat  a lot easier to follow along with. Once I had participated in the chat I really wanted to participate in my first full #Saskedchat but unfortunately I had another class at the same time as the chat. One of my goals is to participate in the chat once I am finished with University.

One of the aspects I like about Twitter is the amount of resources that are shared. I have been introduced to so many resources that I would not have been aware of before using Twitter. I also enjoyed being able to share resources as I finally had something to do with all of the things I had pinned on my “Technology in the classroom” board on Pinterest.
Image result for educational technology meme

Blog Posts:
I found commenting on peoples blog posts one of the elements that I procrastinated on a lot. I would read through some of blogs on the ecmp blog hub while I was taking the bust to school or work but wouldn’t make any comments because I was on my phone. I made mental notes to go back and make these comments when I had access to my computer but I never actually did.
Image result for i forgot memeI did manage to make a few comments on some of my classmates blogs. One interaction I had was with Shae-Lynn Kowaniuk one her blog post titled Digital Citizenship!?. In her blog post she mentioned one of my previous blog posts which also discussed the topic of digital citizenship within the classroom. I commented on this blog post, my comment can be seen below:

Other comments I have made on my classmates blogs



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